Thursday, May 26, 2016

Architects Under Big 3 #74 Widyaningsih Gunawan Widjaja

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Architects Under Big 3 #74 Widyaningsih Gunawan Widjaja
Lingkaran A-B-C-D (Arsitektur – Bumil – Cerita – Dampak)”

Di tahun ketiga perkuliahan arsitektur saya, ayah pernah bertanya “Apa beda kamu dari mahasiswa arsitektur lainnya?”. Satu angkatan 150 orang, 1 tahun ada 4 angkatan, dari universitas saya, belum lagi universitas lain. Pintar? Biasa saja. Rajin? Ya lumayan. Menang sayembara atau lomba? Belum pernah. Cum laude? Tidak terpikirkan. Mahasiswa aktif-berprestasi? Ya itu bonus.
Kalimat itu terus membayangi pikiran saya. Hingga akhirnya memutuskan ‘jadi beda’ versi saya, dengan nekat terlambat lulus kuliah, mengambil cuti kuliah 1 semester, demi magang 6 bulan di Bali, tepat sebelum TA (tugas akhir/semester akhir), agar menjadi sarjana arsitektur yang lebih matang. Tidak mudah bagi saya saat harus mengambil keputusan itu. Namun ternyata, proses magang justru membawa hikmah luar biasa bagi proyek TA saya yang berjudul ‘Fasilitas Edukasi dan Perawatan Ibu Hamil’. Rancangan Arsitektur yang di desain spesial bagi Ibu Hamil (Bumil) sebagai wadah all-in-one  untuk pemenuhan kebutuhannya. Beraktivitas lebih aman, konsultasi dokter-psikologi-ahli gizi, bertemu sesama bumil, berolahraga, berbelanja, dan ‘me-time’. Happy, Healty, Beauty Moms!
Dari orang lain untuk orang lain. Terinspirasi dari Cerita orang-orang sekitar, melihat realita masalah yang ada, dan berpikir apa yang dapat saya lakukan dari segi arsitektur. Rancangan yang dilandasi dengan orientasi memberi Dampak bagi orang lain ini, terpilih untuk diliput media masa melalui press conference yang diadakan Universitas Kristen Petra.
A-B-C-D ini telah membuat lingkaran tersendiri dan membuat saya ‘jadi beda’. Dengarkan cerita lebih lanjutnya, agar kamu bisa ‘jadi beda’ dan berdampak versi kamu..

Widyaningsih Gunawan Widjaja

Tentang Widya:
Seorang gadis yang terlahir 23 tahun yang lalu,  hidup dan tinggal di kota pahlawan, Surabaya. Menjadi mahasiswa Arsitektur angkatan 2011, dengan masa studi selama 4.5 tahun. Gelar S.Ars. selaku sarjana arsitektur, secara resmi telah terlampir di belakang nama Widyaningsih Gunawan Widjaja semenjak Febuari 2016. Masa studi nya dijalani sebagai 4 tahun menjadi mahasiswa di bangku Universitas Kristen Petra - Surabaya, dan setengah tahun menjadi anak magang di bangku Popo Danes Architect - Bali. Aktif, mandiri, dan terbuka terhadap tantangan adalah didikan keluarga yang membawanya menjadi lulusan mahasiswa aktif-berprestasi saat wisuda. Baginya, tidak ada yang kebetulan di dunia ini, so work hard, pray hard, believe, and inspire others.

[English Version]

Architects Under Big 3 #74 Widyaningsih Gunawan Widjaja
Lingkaran A-B-C-D (Arsitektur – Bumil – Cerita – Dampak)”

In the third year of my study in architecture, my dad gave me a question, “what does make you different from another architecture student?”. There are 150 student in the same periode, there are 4 periode in the same generation, it is even only from my own university, have not included other universities. Am i smart? Not really. Diligent? Not so much. Have i ever won a competition? Never. Cum laude? Never pass in my mind. An active students who got su much achievement? Yeah, that is just a bonus.
Those question is always following my mind. Then finally i chose to be different on my own version, with a courage to be late graduated, I took 1 semester off from study to have an internship in Bali for 6 months right before I take my final project, so i could be more mature when I graduate from architecture school. It was not so easy for me to took those decision. But in fact, those internship could be a magical power for my final project entitled “Education Facility and Pregnant Woman Care”. An architectural way designed for Pregnant Woman as an all-in-one place in fulfill their need. A more safe in activity, an easy way to have a consultation with the doctor, psychology, and even a nutrient expert, meeting up with another pregnant woman, do a physical exercise, shopping, and “me-time”. Happy, Healthy, and Beauty Moms!
From others to others. Inspired by the story of people around, see the problems in reality, and thinking what I can do to overcome those problem in architectural way. Designed based on to have a good impact to others has been chosen to be covered by the mass media through a press conference that hold by Universitas Kristen Petra.
This A-B-C-D has make an own circle and makes me become “different”. Listen for further story so u can be “different” in your own version.

Widyaningsih Gunawan Widjaja

About Widya:
A girl who born 23 years ago and growing up in the patriotic city, Surabaya. Became an architecture student in 2011, with the periode of study 4.5 years. She got S.Ars that stands for Bachelor of Architecture, and officially attached behind her name, Widyaningsih Gunawan Widjaja since February 2016. Her periode of study has been passed as an architecture student In Universitas Kristen Petra – Surabaya for 4 years, and a half year as an intern in Popo Danes Architect – Bali. Become an active, independet, and open with the new challenge people is the result of her family education that brings her get a title as one of the best graduation in her late graduation ceremony. For her, there’s nothing happen by chance in this world, so work hard, pray hard, believe, and inspire others. 

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