Thursday, November 9, 2017

Architects Under Big 3 90 - Sustainable Design in Indonesia and Japan, Norihisa Kawashima and Popo Danes

Picture 1 From left to right, Moderator, Popo Danes, and Norihisa Kawashima on AUB 90

In the 90th AUB, we had a very insightful presentation from a bright young architect from Japan, Mr. Norihisa Kawashima. Norihisa works as professor assistant in Tokyo Institute of Technology while at the same time running his architect firm,
Nori Architects.Previously Mr. Norihisa took his education in Tokyo University and the University of Tokyo's Graduate School and continues his career for 7 years (2007 – 2014) in Nikken Sekkei Ltd. His focus was mainly designed a building with a computational method.

From the beginning, Norihisa stated if he wanted to make a design that able to connect the nature with the human but at the same time also could possible to give comfort to the user of the building with maintaining the beauty of the space and looks of the building. He saw if most buildings in Bali are already give the sense of connection to nature. However in Japan, the condition is totally different, since the climate is totally different which make building tend to be more closed and made the missing connection between nature and human. In order to achieve his purpose, he had dedicated his time to study on how to optimize the natural features such as: daylight, wind and humidity with good design through computational method.

At first, Norihisa told his first assigned project for himself, house BB. This house was located in Tokyo.  He made sure if the building get enough sunlight and good wind exposure through the simulation placement of the building mass using computer. Computational method also made him able to determine the best option for the building form. He also told if good insulation to keep the temperature in the range of human comfort is achieved through using floating structures and certain composition of material inside the wall. At the same time, the free space in the ground level give spacious space that create connection between the building and surroundings which could be used as outdoor gathering space and & children play area 

Picture 2 Norihisa Kawashima Explaining about 
his projects and design thinking
Next, the project he told us, is titled Diagonal Boxes in Saitama. The house was dedicated for a group of family consist by grandparents and parent with their 2 kids. Basically the house is formed by the simple box stacked with 45 degree rotated box in the 2nd floor to give optimum opening to the south and reduce the shadow exposure of neighborhood building.  This massing configuration also ensure every room inside the building get proper sunlight.  Furthermore, Norihisa also using technology such as water-filled plastic bottle under the floor to stabilize the temperature, while vacuum triple glass, resin sash, insulated honeycomb blind, and high airtight also added to give treatment to increase the outer skin performance.  The ventilation system made it a comfortable thermal environment even in without active heating and cooling system, making it a more pleasant housing and create "nature ties". In addition, this house is certified as a low-carbon housing.  A solar panel of 10 kW is installed on the roof and they could sell the overproduction electricity with fixed price purchase system of 20 years to the electric company.

House also need to enhance the cultural aspect of the certain region. Since this house was located in Kyoto, the house adopt the traditional gable roof form. The house has three gabled roof increase from north to south. The difference of roof height give space for the sun to enter the house, view of the sky to be seen and flowedair. Outdoor terrace also make it’s possible to create the enforcement for the earthquake resistant and function as buffer space for the air and sun from the surrounding to the building. Through 2nd floor, there’s a view of surrounding mountain, so Norihisa put the living, dining and kitchen area in 2nd floor. In addition, this building also using special technology in the insulation to maintain thermal comfort.

Picture 3 Question and answer session
In the question and answer session, some interesting question were asked to Norihisa. Like how to create structures that could be resist to the earthquake. Norihisa replied if all buildings in Japan since Kobe Earthquake and lately Tohoku Earthquake, had already follow the law and regulation in order  to ensure the structure safety, so aside giving the enforcement on the column and wall, selection of light material also become consideration. Other interesting question is on how Norihisa interpreted toward a good architecture whether it should be follow the global trend or enhancing the cultural identity of the city. Norihisa mention if identity is just one of the character for the Architecture, since it’s always changing follow the human preference, activity and progress of civilization. A good architecture should be connect the nature potential and the human need. Next question were asked regarding on what could be learn from traditional architecture and modern architecture. Norihisa said if a good design should be try to balance those components. The unique form and detail of traditional Architecture actually born because of long experience and countless trial and error from our ancestor. It’s already formed with the consideration on how to gain comfort through local resources. Meanwhile modern architecture made us possible to analyze more detail on environmental aspect and explore the recent technology to select the material. The combination of them would create a good Architecture.  Last question asked on the session whether the building designed by Norihisa already ensure to minimize the construction waste and give something back to the nature. Norihisareplied, if he realize if his building design still create a carbon footprint, however he made sure to give passive design and applied the recent technology so that, the user get comfort range of temperature, humidity and sunlight in order to  decrease the energy use by the building user.

Picture 4 Popo Danes, and Melati Danes give souvenir to Norihisa Kawashima

Picture 5 Group photos with the audiences

[Japanese Version]


90回目のAUBでは日本の輝かしい若手建築家、川島範久氏による非常に洞察力に富んだ講演をして頂いた。川島氏は東京工業大学の助教であると同時に、建築事務所Nori Architectsを主宰する。それ以前は、東京大学大学院卒業後、日建設計に2007~2014年の7年間勤務。彼は特にコンピューテーショナルな手法を用いた建築デザインに主眼を置いている。
川島氏はまず初めに、HOUSE BBという彼の処女作を紹介した。この住宅は東京に位置している。彼はコンピューターを使った建物配置のシミュレーションを通して、その建物が十分な自然光や風を得られるかどうか確認した。コンピューテーショナルな手法によって、彼は建物の形に関して最適な判断を下すことが可能になる。人間が快適と感じられる範囲における温度を保つために適切な断熱性は、可動式の構造体や壁材料の最適な割合によって達成されるとも述べた。同時に地上レベルの空きスペースは、屋外集会場や子供の遊び場となるようなその建築と周辺をつなぐ広々とした空間になる。

次に彼が紹介した作品は、埼玉にあるDiagonal Boxesという住宅である。これは祖父母と両親、2人の子供のための住居である。南向きに最適な開口部を設け、近隣住居へ落とす影を極力減らすために、基本的にこの住居はシンプルな箱が45度回転して積層された2階建てである。このボリューム配置によって、全ての室内の部屋にも適切な日光を取り入れることができる。




Event Name
Architects Under Big 3
Event Type
Presentation and discussion
Norihisa Kawashima and Popo Danes
October 20th 2017
19.00 - 21.00 WITA
Danes Art Veranda, Jl. HayamWuruk no. 159 Denpasar 80235 Bali, Indonesia
Contact Person
+62-81-337-068-319 (Dea)
Architects Under Big 3

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