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Architects Under Big
3 #67 Dhandya
Surya Ichsani
masa depan nasib seorang Arsitek dalam membela karakter diri dan desainnya
yang belajar di dunia arsitektur tentu pasti akan memilih tujuan hidupnya, baik
itu setelah lulus kuliah
arsitektur atau sedari kuliah sudah dapat menentukan jalur kerjanya masing
masing, ada beberapa profesi yang dapat ditempuh dalam hidup jikalau kita
sebagai seorang lulusan sekolah arsitektur, antara lain : jadi kontraktor,
interior desainer, building management, bahkan di per bankan, atau mendirikan
biro konsultan arsitekturnya sendiri? Hal ini sangat beragam cita rasanya,
karena peranan dari masing masing profesi sangat berbeda rasanya, hal itu disebabkan
tanggung jawab dan ranah kerja dalam disiplin ilmu pada profesinya masing
sekarang di biro konsultan arsitektur Dhandya sendiri sangatlah tidak mudah,
perjalanan demi perjalanan, rintangan dan demi hambatan, kesuksesan belumlah kita dapat
bilang diraih karena perjalan ini sangatlah panjang, berawal dari rasa malas
untuk mengikuti perkuliahan dan dikte terhadap ilmu ilmu yang bersangkutan, hal
ini membawa Dhandya
untuk lebih termotivasi bergerak kearah seorang pengusaha dalam disiplin ilmunya yaitu arsitektur, Dhandya melakukan kegiatan
menabung untuk membentuk satu usaha sedari saya masih kuliah, proyek demi proyek,
setelah Dhandya lulus, Dhandya perdalami bidang
usaha ini, mulai mencari tahu tentang PT (perseroan terbatas) sertifikasi
keahlian profesi, apakah hal hal seperti itu sangatlah penting dalam dunia
usaha di bidang ini? Jawabnya memang ternyata sangat penting,ada beberapa hal yang sangat penting dalam
membangun biro sebagai landasan usaha salah satunya adalah legalitas,
sertifikasi kompeten, lingkar ruang kerja (link), trust, dll yang pastinya
nanti akan di bahas sewaktu presentasi.
Arsitek memerlukan manajemen karena
arsitek memerlukan goal, apakah goal arsitek itu? Untuk mewujudkan impian
menjadi nyata, impian
arsitek tidak jauh lebih dari bangunan yang indah dan baik untuk dirancang
dengan tepat dan dapat menjadi kebanggaan untuk dirinya sendiri,
arsitek setelah mendirikan sebuah biro mempunyai ketertarikan dalam bisnis
arsitektur di bidang lainnya, apa saja tipe bisnis arsitektur itu? Ada bermacam
macam, mulai dari kontraktor, manajamen konstruksi sampai interior, dll
tentunya. Nanti akan dibahas satu persatu, karena dalam suatu usaha terdapat
profit atau keuntungan, di dalam tipe bisnis arsitektur terdapat beberapa
profit yang berbeda beda. Karena
arsitek memiliki kompentensi dan passion yang bermacam macam, hal ini yang mempengaruhi salah satu tipe
bisnis arsitektur yang akan kita geluti.
Dhandya Surya Ichsani
Dhandya Surya Ichsani
atau yang biasa dipanggil Dhandya
ini lahir di Bintaro
pada tanggal 10
Mei 1988. Mengenyam pendidikan arsitektur di Universitas Bina
Nusantara angkatan 2006 dan menyelesaikannya pada 2011. Pernah bekerja di PT.
Alindra Jakarta selama 3 tahun sebagai arsitek junior dan PT. Makna Inti Utama Jakarta selama 1 tahun sebagai Arsitek.
Pada tahun 2013 Dhandya mendirikan perusahaannya dan
menjadi Direktur di perusahaan tersebut dengan nama PT. Dhandya Selaras Intuisi
Architect yang berlokasi di Bintaro, Tangerang Selatan.
Architects Under Big
3 #67 Dhandya
Surya Ichsani
"How To Build An Architectural Firm"
"How To Build An Architectural Firm"
determine a
future of the architects based on their designs character
Somebody who studies in the architecture major would definetely choose their career path. Whether after graduating or since college has been able to determine it. There are some professions than can be achieved in life as an architecture graduated such as contractors, interior designers, building manager, even in a banking, or even setting up a new architectural consulting firm. Every professions comes with its own disciplines and responsibility.
Setting up a new architectural consulting firm has never been easy for me. From one obstacles to another obstacles I have gone through it. This is a long journey which I cant claim as a fun ride. Laziness on college period motivated me to move towards Architecture entrepreneur. I started it off by juggling from one project to another project, until I finally got my degree and decided to dive more into this business line. There are many business possibilities come from architecture. This business gains its own type of profits depending on the entrepreneur's passion and competence with a good management required.
I began to find out more about the certification of professional expertise, whether is it really important to done that or not at all on this kind of fields? The answer turned out to be very important indeed, few things that are crucial when we make the base for any bureau. These things we can conclude them as legality, competency, relation, trustworthiness and other things that I would like to share.
Somebody who studies in the architecture major would definetely choose their career path. Whether after graduating or since college has been able to determine it. There are some professions than can be achieved in life as an architecture graduated such as contractors, interior designers, building manager, even in a banking, or even setting up a new architectural consulting firm. Every professions comes with its own disciplines and responsibility.
Setting up a new architectural consulting firm has never been easy for me. From one obstacles to another obstacles I have gone through it. This is a long journey which I cant claim as a fun ride. Laziness on college period motivated me to move towards Architecture entrepreneur. I started it off by juggling from one project to another project, until I finally got my degree and decided to dive more into this business line. There are many business possibilities come from architecture. This business gains its own type of profits depending on the entrepreneur's passion and competence with a good management required.
I began to find out more about the certification of professional expertise, whether is it really important to done that or not at all on this kind of fields? The answer turned out to be very important indeed, few things that are crucial when we make the base for any bureau. These things we can conclude them as legality, competency, relation, trustworthiness and other things that I would like to share.
Dhandya Surya Ichsani
Surya Ichsani (Dhandya) was born in
Bintaro , May 10th 1988.
He graduated from Bina Nusantara University (2011). Being
as Junior Architect for PT. Alindra Jakarta for three years and PT. Makna Inti
Utama Jakarta for just one year as an Architect.
In 2013 Dhandya became a Director for his own
Architecture firm named PT. Dhandya Selaras which located in Bintaro, South
bagus selamat berkarya, penuh motivasi sukses