[scroll down for
English version]
Architects Under Big 3 #41 RMIT School of Architecture & Design Workshop
"Future Ubud"
alam dan keunikan ragam budaya Ubud menjadi magnet besar bagi para wisatawan.
Namun, kesuksesan Ubud menjadi salah satu tujuan wisata yang populer di Bali
ternyata menjadi bumerang bagi kelangsungan tatanan ruang dan budaya mereka. Menyikapi
fenomena tersebut, kami memilih "Future
Ubud" sebagai tema workshop
tahun ini. Berkolaborasi dengan Universitas Udayana, workshop ini akan membantu mahasiswa untuk lebih memahami sekaligus
mendokumentasikan dan menggali sejarah dari kota itu sendiri.
kesempatan ini, kami bekerjasama dengan AUB3 mengundang teman - teman arsitek
muda dan elemen masyarakat beserta para pengrajin tradisional, seniman dan
sejarahwan untuk mendapatkan gambaran mendetail tentang kawasan Ubud. Pada
akhirnya, hasil simposium ini dapat menambah wawasan baru dan memperkaya
pengetahuan untuk menyikapi potensi, fenomena dan permasalahan Ubud.
School of Architecture & Design Workshop
Tentang RMIT School
of Architecture & Design Workshop:
(Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology)
School of Architecture & Design merupakan sekolah arsitekturyang berada di
Melbourne, Australia. Sebagai bagian dari proses pembelajaran, RMIT selalu mengadakan workshop tahunan. Workshop ini bertujuan
untuk mengembangkan jaringan antar mahasiswa dari berbagai universitas, pemikiran
konseptual, kritik dan analisis subjek, serta interaksi antara profesi arsitek
dengan masyarakat. Workshop tahun ini diadakan di Ubud pada 5 - 12 September
2013 dan mengambil "Future Ubud"
sebagai temanya.
[English Version]
"Future Ubud"
beauty and uniqueness of Ubud's cultural diversities area a great magnet for
tourist. However, the success of Ubud became one of the most popular tourist's
destination is turned out to be the very aspect that is ruining the fabric of
cultural space. In responding to that phenomenon, we choose "Future
Ubud" as the theme of this year's workshop. Collaborate with Udayana
University, this workshop will bring the students a better understanding of the
city in the hills by exploring and documenting all alarming issues.
Through this
opportunity, we are working with AUB3 to invite the young architects and some
community leaders as well as the traditional crafters, artists and historians
in order to get wholesome disccusion of the Ubud area. Finally, the results of
this symposium is to add new insights and enrich the knowledge of Ubud to
complie of how we should respond to potentials, phenomenons and problems of
RMIT School
of Architecture & Design Workshop
About RMIT School of
Architecture & Design Workshop:
RMIT (Royal Melbourne
Institute of Technology) School of Architecture & Design is an architecture
school located in Melbourne, Australia. As part of the learning process, RMIT
has always held an annual workshop. This workshop aims to develop a network
between students from various universities, conceptual thinking, critique and
subject analysis, and interaction between the profession of architecture and
the community. For this year, this workshop will be held on September 5th -
12th 2013 at Ubud, Bali and "Future Ubud" as the main theme.
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