[scroll down for English version]
Architects Under Big
3 #64 Akbar Hantar
Sharing - Process and Idea"
Dalam presentasi nanti, saya akan bercerita tentang desain arsitektural
yang saya(dan tim) telah kerjakan, serta sedikit cerita perjalanan saya dalam
mendalami ilmu desain arsitektur selama ini. Dari awal mulai sekolah arsitektur
di Universitas Sebelas Maret, magang kerja, sayembara dan pekerjaan freelance architect. Beberapa slide
ilustrasi tugas kuliah sebagai pembuka presentasi, pengalaman bersayembara
arsitektur selama kuliah/setelah lulus, sayembara yang one man show, kerja tim sesama teman kuliah & dosen, teman
antar universitas, hingga dengan beberapa arsitek senior Indonesia. Untuk
klimaksnya saya akan bercerita tentang beberapa proyek pribadi saya yang sampai
sekarang ini masih saya kerjakan.
Beberapa proyek desain yang saya anggap menarik akan diulas lebih dalam.
Diantaranya proyek tugas akhir, sayembara Gedung Pusat Budaya Indonesia di
Timor Leste, House @ Purwokerto, House @ Baturraden dan Shelter Observasi
Mangrove di Pantai Ayah - Kebumen.
Akbar Hantar lahir di Surakarta, 22 April 1990. Menyelesaikan pendidikan
arsitekturnya di Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta akhir 2012 sebagai
lulusan terbaik di periodenya dengan predikat cum-laude.
Aktif mengikuti sayembara arsitektur semenjak kuliah, dan senang
berkolaborasi dengan beberapa arsitek muda dan senior. Saat ini masih mempunyai
ambisi dan ego yang besar dalam mendesain arsitektur. Besar dan tinggal di
sebuah desa pesisir pantai selatan Jawa, Banyumas. Mendapatkan proyek terbangun
pertamanya di daerahnya, membuatnya berfikir haruskah arsitek berpraktek di
kota besar di jaman yang serba terkoneksi ini. Saat ini Akbar sedang belajar
dan bekerja di Habitat 5 Uluwatu, dan aktif mengerjakan beberapa proyek
pribadinya sebagai independent architect.
Architects Under Big
3 #64 Akbar Hantar
Sharing - Process and Idea"
During this upcoming presentation, I’m going to present about architectural
design which I (and team) have been done, as well as the the story of my
journey during these period on obtaining a deep understanding in architectural design. The story begin from
becoming a student in an architectural faculty in Sebelas Maret University,
having an internship experiences, joining competition, and doing a freelance as
an architect. As the opening, some slides are going to show any kind of
illustrations which have been done during study in the university, competition
experiences before and after graduated from the university, the one man show competition experiences, working
in team with campus-mate and lecturer, or friends from another university, and
experiences in having partnership to do competition with professional
architects of Indonesia. For the climax, I’m going to present about some
individual project which is still going on untill now.
Some design projects which I deemed interesting will be deeply explained.
Some of those are final project in the university, the competition of Building
of Indonesian Cultural Centre (Gedung Pusat Budaya Indonesia) in Timor Leste,
House at Purwokerto, House at Baturraden, and Mangrove Observation Shelter in
Ayah Beach – Kebumen.
About Akbar:
Akbar Hantar was born in Surakarta, April 22th 1990. Accomplished his
architectural study in Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta in the late of 2012
as the best graduate in those period with a predicate of cum-laude.
Loved to join architectural competition since he was in the university, and
loved to have collaboration with young and professional architects. Currently
having ambition and great ego on architectural design. Grew up and living in
the coastal area of southern Java, Banyumas. Got his first built project in his
hometown makes he thought that architect should not only practice in a big city
during this era where everything gets easy to be connected. Currently, Akbar is
learning and working in Habitat 5 Uluwatu, and loved to do his individual
project as an independent architect.
Sebgai sesama arsitek, sy salut dgn semangat berkaryanya mas Akbar. Semoga di tangan mas Akbar akan lahir karya arsitektur fenomenal yg bs dibanggakan Indonesia di dunia internasional...
ReplyDeleteMumpung masih muda mas, teruslah berkarya....
salam sukses dan maju terus arsitektur Indonesia
Ajeng Shintia
( bekerja di http://www.arsitekonline.com/ )